Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Moto II is delivered

To close the loop on the Moto build-up, the bike was delivered to me on Tuesday, 10/3.  The total damage for my ‘free’ bike was over $300.  But I feel like I still got a decent deal.  I upgraded from the crappy old Tiagra group into a SRAM Force group.  And the difference between the two is immense.  Regardless of the SRAM double-shifting, there is a noticeable difference when the chain settles in the new gear in the cassette.  It is hard to wrote about ‘feel’ but I will do my best.  On the Tiagra, the chain kinda fell into the new gear.  On the SRAM, it feels like to actually pick up the chain and drop it securely into place.  The re is no rattle or in-between gears.  It just feels solid.  Also, as I have mentioned in the past, the Moto Cross is just a more comfortable bike.  I am not sure if it is the aluminum or the beefy cross geometry, but I am way more confident on the downhills and just peddling.  Kinda fun.

The maiden voyage for the Moto was my commute to work this morning.  I met up with the MoMiles crew – on a Wednesday, no less – which was seven strong.  The Moto got many accolades for the mere newness and shininess of the cassette.  With a few rides under her belt, I am sure that she will blend back into the masses.  It was also noticed that I was riding on 35mm knobby tires.  I used this as an excuse for my usual slowness.  

The ride itself was pretty standard and the bike felt great.  I did want to cause a little ruckus on her maiden voyage, so after reaching Chrissy Field, I took off knowing full well that at lease Bryan and Mo would take the bait.  When I looked back, Mo was nowhere to be seen, but Bryan was in my draft and hammering to keep up.  After the light at the yacht club, Bryan made his move and he dropped me before Fort Mason.  The data shows that I set two PRs and a second place on the big one, Chrissy field to Fort Mason.  It was a Pyrrhic victory as Bryan drafted me into beating my PR by 11 seconds.  I’m sticking with the story that I would have held the pace if it were not for the knobby tires.  When I change those bad-boys out, I’m going back to get my record.

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